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Wysłany: Nie 0:19, 08 Maj 2011 Temat postu: abercrombie milano Active Vibration Isolation Syst |
Active vibration isolation system coupled double-controlled trial of
Control. It can be seen when the active control system, inhibit the work of the lower layer vibration isolation system,mac cosmetics discount, the quality of vertical vibration and lateral vibration of a roll coupling,oakley solbriller, thus effectively isolating the vibration of the top quality multi-directional coupler to the ground O. 7O. 6,oakley brasil, O. 5 · O. 40.3O. 2O. 1O. Ojmz (a) 1 号 measuring point of Vibration Engineering Section 16 (b) 2 号 Diesel 1000r/min measured points in Figure 5 to control the transmission spectrum before and after. 4 Conclusion (1) In this paper, active vibration isolation of multi-adaptive thinking. It is based on the assumption that the lower quality is rigid and multi-error-IMS algorithm, a representative for the lower point on the quality of the vibration response control. That is lower in the double vibration isolation system, select the appropriate quality point of pick-up point as the error evaluation, in all pick-up point of the effective suppression of vibration case,abercrombie milano, the lower the quality of the natural vibration coupling has been effectively controlled, thus isolating the Coupled Vibration of Diesel Engine Multi-directional transmission to the ground. (2) multi-frequency signal of an actual diesel engine vibration signal as the input vibration source was simulated tests. The results showed that the lower quality in a variety of conditions at the two pick-up points have been effectively suppress vibration, 1 measuring point vibration damping capacity of 4 ~ 14dB, 2 号 measuring point vibration damping capacity of l1 ~ 13dB, which effectively suppressed the direction of lower quality multi-coupled vibration, isolation of vibration transmission to the ground. Thus, this multi-adaptive active vibration isolation strategy for multi-directional coupling vibration active control is feasible, simple, and practical. (3) In principle, the basis of changes in the actuators and pick-up point location, you can achieve more active control of coupled vibration direction. If the two actuators arranged on the diagonal in the lower quality, will be able to increase the original basis of the longitudinal coupled vibration of a pitch control. References 1 Yang Tiejun. Multi-layer vibration isolation system, active vibration control of coupled degrees of freedom [Dissertation]. Harbin: Harbin Engineering University, Department of Power Engineering. Liu Zhigang 19972. Adaptive Active Vibration Isolation Diesel Technology: [Dissertation]. Harbin: Harbin Engineering University, Department of Power Engineering, 20003 Yang Tiejun, Simon YK Chan and so on. Diesel Double Isolation System Active Vibration Control Simulation of the coupling. Ship Engineering ,2001,3:24-274 Yan Ji W, Shen Ying,louboutin københavn, Zhou Shixiong. Decoupling of Double Stage System. China Shipbuilding, 1991; 4:64-715Kuo, MorganDR. Activenoisecontrol: Atutorialreview. ProceedingsofTheIEEE, 1999; 87 (6) :943-973ExperimentalResearchonActiveControlofCoupledVibrationforaTwo-StageIsolationSystemYangTiejunGuZhongquanLiuZhigangWangZhiqiu (ResearchInstituteofHelicopterTechnology.NanjingUniversityofAeronauticsandAstronauticsNanjing210016) (. PowerandNuclearEngineeringCollege, HarbinEngineeringUniversityHarbin, 150001) Keywords: activecontrol; vibrationisolation; dieselengines; multiple-directioncouplingvibration; multiple-pointadaptivecontrolstratagem first author: Yang Tiejun male, postdoctoral students in 1972, 1O months. Phone: (025) 4892119; E-mail: ytiejun @ nuaa. edu. cn765432 ● 000000000 one. Wang. m. Ⅵ. Ⅵ d one by one one by one ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eleven thousand one hundred and eleven had a ix a. h Ⅶ ~ boat ~ one by one one by one. A ~. A stem of a gdftie ~ ~ ~ ~ _ arrived in silkworm ~ a ~ one thousand one hundred and eleven ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ a ~ one thousand one hundred and eleven eleven bared ∞ ∞. ~ ~ ~ A ~ one by one. . Lan m ix. The amount of summer ~ ~ = a ~. Bolt ¨ stare
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